Friday, January 30, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I like to sing like to sing like my mommy.

Rockband was the "big" family gift this year
They were very excited about their robes.

Jolee even got into this year.

Merry Christmas

I wonder what wonderful things are in all those pretty boxes!
It doesn't matter--I'll just eat the paper anyway-YUM!

Merry Christmas!
If I would have sent out Christmas cards this year, this would have been the picture.
SO... Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Christian 4, Jolee 7 mo, Mikey 7

My kids--gosh I love them!

Mikey and Jolee
Jolee 7 mo


Mikey being silly

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. We have not had our computer working properly since before Thanksgiving. So I may skip a few months, sorry.