Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our first snow of the season! It's not 20", but hey we were excited!
Dad had a great idea. Let's put the kids on an inflatable boogie board and let them go head first down the icy slide! Christian goes first!
Now, let's let the 2 year old go down head first!

She made it!

Aunt Cara helped with a game.

Papa and Aunt Christy helped too!

Mikey was a shepard in the church play.

Mikey, Papa Al, and Nana Charlotte

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Easter!

Mikey's Soccer Team

Christian Playing Soccer

Happy Easter

Jolee turns 2!!

"I wish I'm a princess. I wish I'm a princess!"

50 Cupcake Cones
Thanks Aunt Chris for helping!


She was so happy on her birthday

She already plays dress up in all my stuff!

Mom dyes hair professionally for first time!!